Dr Eshika Aggarwal is a researcher in the field of Information Systems and Artificial Intelligence with her work published in many international journals including Soft Computing, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, and International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research. Her research work has been accepted and presented in various prestigious conferences such as the PAN IIM World Management Conference, INDAM etc. She holds a Ph.D. and an MBA from the Indian Institute of Management Lucknow, and a bachelor’s degree from Punjab Technical University, along with professional certications such as Lean Six Sigma and SCJP. She has nine years of rich industry experience in IT with firms such as NIIT Technologies, IBM, and Tata Consultancy Services, and has consulted with global organizations such as Cisco, Airtel and Voya.
Information Systems
IT Agile Product & Project Management
Research Interests:
Methodological developments for modelling and analysis in uncertain environment
Cognitive & fuzzy implications with Multi attribute decision making in online platforms
Conferred with prestigious "Outstanding Women Researcher in Information Systems & Analytics" award at 9th Venus International Women Awards. The award by Venus International Foundation was presented for achievement in the field of Management. 9th International Women awards, Chennai, India, March 2, 2024
Reviewer to Soft Computing
Reviewer to Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce