Dr Anuja Akhouri is an Assistant Professor in the area of HRM/OB at the Indian Institute of Management Jammu. She has done her Ph.D. from the Indian Institute of Technology, Patna .
Dr Anuja comes with more than 6 years of teaching experience and has worked with Vellore Institute of Technology, Bhopal and Jagran Lakecity University, Bhopal.
She has published research papers in peer-reviewed journals. Her research work has been accepted and presented in various prestigious conferences such as the Academy of Management conference, European Group of Organizational Studies, PAN IIM World Management Conference, INDAM etc.
Indian Institute of Management, Jammu (Current Employer)
Vellore Institute of Technology, Bhopal (Ex-Employer)
Jagran Lakecity University, Bhopal (Ex-Employer)
Human Resource Management
Conflict Management & Negotiation
Business Leadership
Counselling Skills for Managers
Program Director, Leadership Skills Trekking-Based MDP in the Lower Himalayas (NTPC Young Leaders), 2025.
Program Director, Capacity Building Program on Small Business Development for Aspiring & Existing Entrepreneurs (Small Business Development Units; SBDU) 2024.
Program Director, Capacity Building Program for Officers of the Planning and Monitoring Department and Finance Department of J&K (Centre for Innovation and Transformation in Governance; CITaG) 2024.
Program Director, Education Leadership Development Training Program for Principals of Jammu & Kashmir (Dept. of Higher Education, J&K) 2024.
Program Director, Certificate Program in General Management for Aspiring Women Entrepreneurs (National Commission for Women) 2022.
Topics: Leadership Skills, Conflict & Negotiation; Team Building, Life Skills, Emotional Intelligence, etc.
UGC NET JRF Qualified.
Gold medalist in MHRM degree course
Chairperson: Corporate Communications, IIM Jammu
Co-Chairperson: MBA, IIM Jammu
Co-Chairperson: Hindi Rajbhasha Committee, IIM Jammu
Member, International Relations, IIM Jammu
Conference Co-Chair, International Human Resource Conference cum Conclave 2023 (IHRCC’23), HR in Dynamic Business Environment, IIM Jammu, 14th -15th October 2023
Session Chair, Conference on Excellence in Research and Education (CERE), held from 03rd to 05th June 2022 at Indian Institute of Management, Indore.
Session Chair, Conference on Excellence in Research and Education (CERE), held from 09th to 11th June 2023 at Indian Institute of Management, Indore.
Guest Editor for the special issue on ‘Talent Management’ (The Learning Organization, Emerald Publishing).
Guest Editor for the special issue on ‘Workplace Spirituality in Learning Organization’ (The Learning Organization, Emerald Publishing).